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Using technology to deliver council services

Bringing high speed fibre internet to Southwark

Southwark Council


Southwark Council

Southwark Council

Southwark Council’s Southwark Digital Infrastructure Strategy is using nonexclusive wayleave agreements to secure the rollout of superfast full fibre internet connections across our borough whilst also delivering wider community benefits at no cost to the council.  In return for the council accelerating the wayleave process, two network providers are making gigabit broadband accessible to all 53,000 council homes in the borough, installing free connections to tenants halls and libraries and training digital champions to up skills residents.  This full fibre network will also pass an additional 46,000 privately-owned homes and businesses - making it much easier to connect these at a later date too.  Over 5,000 homes have been reached already with the full roll out to complete by the end of 2019.  

The LGA Labour Group exists to fight the corner for Labour councillors at a national level, both within
the cross-party Local Government Association and with the Labour Party at Westminster. The Group provide a strong voice for Labour councillors and act as a platform for ideas and innovation for all those committed to an effective localist element to Labour politics and policies.

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