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Improving health and wellbeing outcomes in our communities

Creating opportunities to exercise in our communities

Bridgend County Borough Council


Bridgend County Borough Council

Bridgend County Borough Council

Bridgend County Borough Council wanted to drive real improvement on residents’ health, wellbeing and fitness and inspire staff to develop innovative approaches. They quickly released that this was a shared objective for their leisure centres, schools, clubs and voluntary groups, as well as Sport Wales and the Welsh Government.  Through a series of conversations targeted at these stakeholders the council managed to create Life Centres which have become the place to be active, at whatever pace and however the resident may choose. The community partnership has also focused on new programmes for disability sports, ensuring gender equity in sports and breaking down barriers for young girls to take part in regular sport in their local communities. Since establishing this leisure partnership there has been a 9% increase in visits to the Life Centres.  The partnership has also been assessed by Quest and awarded an ‘excellent’ mark for the results and impact on people’s lives.

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