Securing the best start in life for our children and young people
Free driving lessons for care leavers

Tameside Council

As part of our #TransformingTamesideTogether member-led manifesto we made a number of commitments to our Care Leavers; more apprenticeships directly within the council, exemption from Council Tax to the age of 25, upgraded leisure passes, a refreshed and unique 'local offer' with entitlements brought up to date and a renegotiated route into long term and transition housing and with local housing associations. However, we are exceptionally proud to now be offering free driving lessons to our Care Leavers through a scheme in which local driving instructors give their time free of charge to help Care Leavers with this vital life skill. Our scheme is the first of its kind and has already been taken up by a handful of young people, already on their way to a license. Undoubtedly this means they will be given a life opportunity otherwise unavailable to them, this isn't just about transport but critically this is providing access to a skill that can sometimes be prohibitively expensive and can open up opportunities elsewhere for employment. While politics can feel frustrating and certainly cash strapped, using the council's contacts and weight as a Corporate Parent is something we can all get behind - doing whatever any pushy parent would do! In this instance, a local councillor helped to secure suppliers for our commitment and we are all hugely grateful to all the generous instructors involved who are donating their time.