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Keeping arts and culture at the heart of our communities

Giving vulnerable children a creative outlet

Southampton City Council


Southampton City Council

Southampton City Council

Southampton City Council provides the hands-on innovative interactive programme Arts Mark, developed in collaboration with the Youth Offending Service, to engage vulnerable children to produce high quality art for exhibition at high profile venues such as the Jon Hansard gallery (local), and Tate Modern (national).  This programme increases the confidence, wellbeing and self-esteem of children most at risk of offending, at the same time as reducing their risk of offending.

The LGA Labour Group exists to fight the corner for Labour councillors at a national level, both within
the cross-party Local Government Association and with the Labour Party at Westminster. The Group provide a strong voice for Labour councillors and act as a platform for ideas and innovation for all those committed to an effective localist element to Labour politics and policies.

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