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Improving health and wellbeing outcomes in our communities

Helping homeless communities

Plymouth City Council


Plymouth City Council

Plymouth City Council

Plymouth City Council has approved a £7million plan to help the homeless.

Plymouth Alliance, led by a commissioner and a public health specialist, uses the Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) definition of complex lives i.e. people with one or more of substance misuse, homelessness, mental health and offending. The project encompasses 26 services, including mental health, drug and alcohol, supported housing, offender projects and mental health and involves commissioners in five areas of work. Using systems theory and a culture of shared learning, the Alliance’s approach listens to consumers, builds relationships across our system and develops a new, inclusive culture that generates innovation and delivers better holistic care – A Whole System for Whole People.As part of this new approach, ‘learning labs’ were developed where mixed groups analysed issues together, developed integrated responses and shadowed each other across roles. The Alliance approach to commissioning is new to Plymouth and has not been used to this scale nationally before.

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