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Securing the best start in life for our children and young people

Protecting children from harm

Redbridge Council


Redbridge Council

Redbridge Council

Redbridge Council has seen significant issues for young people with missing episodes, gang and “county lines” activity and child sexual exploitation often all interlinked. The Family Intervention Team (FIT) went live in April 2018, specialising in bespoke interventions, support and conflict resolution to stop children from going into care and being exploited. The FIT is also developing a dashboard to map child sexual exploitation and gang activity across the borough analysing data to provide insights on locations and trends in the hope of identifying further potential victims and targeting services in areas of concern. The council is estimating a saving of roughly £400,000 in 2018/19 as a result of implementing this model.

The LGA Labour Group exists to fight the corner for Labour councillors at a national level, both within
the cross-party Local Government Association and with the Labour Party at Westminster. The Group provide a strong voice for Labour councillors and act as a platform for ideas and innovation for all those committed to an effective localist element to Labour politics and policies.

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