Tackling the housing crisis
Providing new council homes

Tower Hamlets Council, Corby Borough Council

Despite centrally imposed government restrictions Corby Borough Council has continued its commitment to building new council houses. 230 new homes have been built in Corby since 2010 as part of regeneration of the borough. A further 103 are planned for and funded through a combination of grants, right to buy receipts, housing reserves and borrowing against the HRA. In total over 7000 new houses have been built since the turn of the century of which over 600 have been “affordable”. Corby is well on its way to fulfilling its long held ambition of doubling the population to around 100, 000 by 2030.
Tower Hamlets Council is leading an innovative project to procure factory-built homes to tackle the number of households living in temporary accommodation in London. Tower Hamlets has an initial target of delivering 200 of these homes to ensure that families are no longer in B&B accommodation for more than 6 weeks. The project is supported by the Greater London Authority, who are investing £11m from their innovations fund.