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Keeping arts and culture at the heart of our communities

Providing vital cultural experiences to young people

Islington Council


Islington Council

Islington Council

Islington Council is committed to helping all young people prepare for the future world of work by helping them to develop the right skills and an understanding of what career options are available to them. These aims have developed into the Islington Pledge - a borough wide call to action for businesses and cultural organisations to work together to ensure equality of access to enrichment activities for children and young people, particularly targeting those who are most in need and most disadvantaged. One key element of the Pledge is ’11 by 11’ – the commitment to make available 11 outstanding cultural experiences by Year 11 for all children and young people in Islington schools. 11 by 11 is designed to make it as simple as possible for schools to work with creative and cultural organisations, and 40 institutions have signed up so far to provide free activities, so there are no barriers to schools getting involved. Involvement in cultural activities has been proven to help develop the core skills students need to get on in life – such as confidence. These are not always skills you can learn in a classroom environment and so 11 by 11 will contribute to children and young people getting ready for their future.

The LGA Labour Group exists to fight the corner for Labour councillors at a national level, both within
the cross-party Local Government Association and with the Labour Party at Westminster. The Group provide a strong voice for Labour councillors and act as a platform for ideas and innovation for all those committed to an effective localist element to Labour politics and policies.

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